

Hello and welcome to my website.

Here you will find out more about me and my work as an author.

Press on any button to take you to whatever you would like to discover.

Please Note:

As of September 2023 my website is new and just developing so please check back again if the section you would like to find out more about is not fully uploaded yet, thank you.

Enjoying life

I am lucky in that I often think up a story idea when I am out for a walk in the woods or the countryside.

I love to see so much green.

Let the re-wilding take place, 

Let there be a state of grace.

Things I like to do

I like to draw when I’m waiting.

I like to do mindful meditation while I’m swimming.

I like to say something kind in the mirror everyday.

I like to write what makes me happy and grateful each morning and night.

I like to visualise the things which bring me joy.

I like to listen to affirmations while I’m walking.

I like to do a happy dance.

You may sign up for bi-annual newsletters and weekly STAR rhymes soon on the ‘Contact Me’ page.

Look out for my books on the ‘Shop’ page as soon as they are published too.

Thank you for checking back.