About Me

Biography - my life story in brief

I grew up in a small Yorkshire village and have always been a story inventor and an avid reader even hiding in a cupboard to read in peace. My happiest memories are inside the covers of books. 

I have a natural tendency to notice fairness and a keen interest in the use of language. All this led me to become a multi-sensory teacher. 

As an author I wish to give enjoyment, create happiness and share my own joy creating activities within my work.

Things I love ...

Fresh air. Wide open skies. Trees. Grass. Daisies. My family and friends. My home. Walking – especially in the woods, beside water, near open green grass and in parks and gardens. Swimming. Trampolining. Reading. Writing. Comedy. Comfy chairs. Angels and fairies. Cats. Coffee. Quiet. Dark chocolate and vegan cake.

Daisy Sparkle

Daisy Sparkle is my pseudonym or pen name. I chose to be called by a pen name because I thought it would be fun. I was trying to think up a happy name and know now that Louise L. Hay, a metaphysical or life teacher, named me through her work. I feel this very strongly. I was listening to her ‘Feeling Fine’ audio, [which I highly recommend – available from Hay House publishing at www.hayhouse.co.uk] and felt the answer as to my new surname. Daisy was a given. Being named Daisy Sparkle is a complete joy. It makes me smile because daisies are my favourite flower. They are everywhere, certainly all summer long, stretching their delightful, joyful faces towards the sunshine and smiling so brightly that it always makes me feel wonderful inside.
In the wintertime sparkles are everywhere. When you can look around for them, you will see them as stars twinkling in the dark night sky, as dew drops sitting boldly on the flimsiest of cobwebs and on the tip of grass blades.
Sparkles shine out at us as the sunlight catches on rooftops, glass window panes, the tops of branches and trees, on cars and metal objects, sending a shaft of pure magical sparkling light to brighten up the shorter daylight hours. It is especially nice when the light catches on bevelled or coloured glass creating rainbows or patterns inside our homes.
When outside watch the high winter moon and the low winter sun send beams of shimmering light over the cloud tops creating the most beautiful and amazing brilliance which is so gorgeous to stop and admire. 

I love seeing the glistening light dancing all around me, observing its difference each day.
Then there is the magic of snow fresh, soft and deep which polishes everything to a silent gleam. Icicles hang from the roof tops shimmering sparkly and bright, creating wonder and delight, showing us all what an incredibly stunning world we live in. We are so very lucky.