
Ways I support others

Seeing people who are in need of a home can really make me feel sad if I dwell on it so I made the decision to do what I can to help those I encounter who need aid in this area in my own way. 

One of the practical things I do is to make up packs to give out whenever I go to a big town or city where it is likely I might meet those in need of assistance.

The plight of people in this situations has caused me to write hundreds of poems and create many packs, some of which you can see pictures of here.

I only started taking photographs of them recently because someone said I should!

My 'Re-Home' Packs


I have named these my ‘Re-Home’ packs and I pour love into every one sincerely caring about the recipient wishing them well, happy and helped. 

I like to include a writing or drawing book because when someone has experienced something horrible it really helps to write and/or draw it. 

This is a form of release and it is healing.

When I write poems about my concern for the people I see who need a home it helps me too because I feel better for doing something kind.

You can read more about the science of kindness in, ‘The Five Side Effects of Kindness’ book or audio by David R Hamilton phd [I think age 9+]

Perhaps you could write a poem about something which bothers you?


I feel it is a basic kindness to include some of my poetry so the person knows how much I care. 

I make sure there is a compact mirror in the pack too as it is important to forgive everyone including ourselves and to love ourselves completely.

Looking into your own eyes and saying that you love and support yourself really helps.

I smile at myself every morning in the mirror. Why not do the same?

I am a child of love, I am good enough.

I like to include empowering morning and evening rhymes at the start and end of each of my books.

You may also sign up for my STAR messages – see ‘Contact Me’ page.

You could write them out and stick them around your bathroom mirror.

It is really nice to be your own best friend. Remember you are always with you.

Wherever I can I include something sweet to eat immediately, [because it is a nice treat] and a cafe voucher or bakery shop gift card so that the receiver can buy something to eat and drink inside where it is warm out of the cold or wet, or out of the sun if it is hot.

I like to include a book which hopefully reinforces what I try to say in my poetry. 

I aim to make the book an uplifting and self-confidence building read.

Sometimes I put a cuddly toy or something to do in the pack too.


I give to various charities on a monthly basis by standing order including three homeless ones.

I like to buy a Big Issue, shop in charity shops generally and buy most of my greetings cards there.

I know these actions all help our world.

A kind act always returns this is a fact.

Whenever I find a coin on a path I pick it up and put it in the nearest charity box. 

You could do this too.


I also like to help creatures with homes in the garden.

You could easily do this too, even picking up a fir cone, bringing it home and placing it by a doorway or on a windowsil.

Wedge it into a corner with some blue tack so it stays there if it is windy. This helps insects have somewhere nice and safe to live.

Simple things like putting discarded conkers, acorns and other seeds onto bare earth or grass so they have a chance of life is a kind act to a life form. 

If you have a garden you can build an insect ‘hotel’ with fir cones, twigs, leaves and stones or maybe with help you could build a bird feeder or bird house.

In my chapter book, ‘Pick Me Up’ I explain how to do some of these things in the activities section at the end of the story.


Some of my stories show more detailed ways to help living beings in our world within the story or in the activity pages which I like to include at the end of my books.

I trust that my packs have helped people, indeed many people in need of a home have thanked me profusely for them, which of course makes me happy but still sad that this situation exists.

Be kind to all life forms and feel how your heart warms.

I hope it is a helpful thing I do because anyone experiencing homelessness needs and deserves kindness and support.

Remember even a smile can make someones day.