Life As An Author

My Writing Den

Down at the bottom of my garden is a summerhouse which I use as my creative writing place. Can you spot my metal fairy? What about my wooden angel?

About My Writing

I firmly believe in the power of positively worded language. It helps our inner thoughts be kind. I like and write all my books with a guaranteed happy ending.

A Comfy Place

My writing journals are on the top shelf.

If you wish to be a writer the green book on my shelf, [which I bought in a charity shop for 50p last year] is really helpful.

Winter Writing

Another creative writing day,
Dressed in the most appropriate way,
For the summerhouse in winter,
Has sparkling icicles due to the freezing temperature,
Underwear obviously,
Don’t be silly,
Thermal leggings and vest,
Are just the start – I do not jest,
Long sleeved tee shirt which fits tight,
Then double cardigans against the colds might,
A gillet and coat,
Worthy of being at sea on a boat,
Jeans and thick walking socks,
A bobble hat on my locks,
Hot coffee, two pairs of fingerless gloves and a snuggly cover,
My legs to smother,
Firing up my computer,
I tune in to my intuitive tutor,
I set my kind intent,
For every single thought, word and event,
Now to bring to life all in my mind,
Here true pleasure I find,
The creative process is engaging,
Even if the cold is totally bracing.