
A sample of some of my poetry

A favourite place

What a gem is my mind,
Within it I am primed,
To live my best life from guidance,
I am hearing this in silence.

Coffee Creation

Thank you for my gorgeous coffee,
Thank you for not making it frothy,
Thank you that it is boiling hot,
With just one [or even half a,] shot,
Thank you that it is pleasingly weak,
Not making my eyes pop and me squeak,
Thank you for its delicious soya nutrition,
Which is ever helping me in my mission,
Of lovingly living my life,
Protecting everything from strife.
You are an angel,

I can tell.

Thank you.

Poetry Festival

Here I am reading out my poem ‘Deliver’ which won a place in the 2023 anthology ‘Creative Juices’. 

Last year my poem ‘Blessed’ won a place in the 2022 anthology ‘Celebrate’.

You can read these winning poems below.


You are blessed,
This is my bequest,
Please carry on reading,
Here is a way of succeeding,
I have and am using,
In life which can be so confusing,
The positive thoughts in your head,
Are the only ones which must be said,
Bury in an earth bed,
All the negative ones dead,
Nothing really dies,
So it is no surprise,
If they arise,
Just turn them around,
Love yourself sound,
In the mirror with a smile,
Create a file,
Of self-loving affirmations,
And aspirations,
Feel them spread through you,
Dance to make them true.
You are blessed,
I hope you guessed.


I have worked on my attitude,
Filling my life with gratitude,

I have put in my order,
Even made it broader,


I have expressed my desire,
Visualised it entire,

I have specified only in thought,
As I have been taught,


I have affirmed out loud,
All the things of which I wish to be proud,

I have made my demand,
In dissolvable writing giving it a helping hand,


I have asked for it to happen now,
I have let go of how,

I have actively made a move,
Allowed time for it to prove,


I will the cosmos to deliver,
Making me a winner.

Thank you.